Monday, October 1, 2012

Art vs. Frame

The old question returns:
Art vs. Frame. 

Obviously they should harmonize. They should gel. Mesh. Love one another. Live as one. Enhance one another and the environment they cohabitate in. They should play with each other, get the viewer's attention.

Whew! That seems like a big task!

Part of that, my dear art-owner, has already been achieved before you even step over the threshold of your favorite framer's gallery.You have chosen a piece of art, adopted it to live in your home for you to look at and love every day from now on!  The other part, well, that's a piece of cake.

You walk in and you're presented with what seems to be an array of endless choices. But really, in the end there are only about three that really are in love (or lust) with your piece of art. (Of course, avoid the "lusty" one, which is flashy and tickles your fancy... but so short lived...). 

All three choices are wonderful candidates for marriage for your carefully chosen piece of art, and this is where you and your framer become a team: together we'll weed out the duds and determine which one of these handsome fellows is worthy of hanging out in your living room (or bathroom, bedroom, hallway, entry, etc.). Big shoes to fill, but we know what's right for us, right?

So see, framing is not that hard!

I posted a very random and half thought out question on Facebook the other day, and it got a really surprising amount of input: mostly from artists and framers. The white choice got votes for being a clean choice, bringing out the art and NOT making it about the framing. The silver, many felt, was more pleasing to the eye and played with the artwork.
(PS: results of this little game will be posted next week... hmmm, wonder which choice made it to the finals?)

It made me realize that that's what we are faced with every day: everyone has a different aesthetic and background. In the end, the only thing matters is that YOU, the owner of this lovely adopted piece of art, LOVES the end result. And helping you with that, that's what I love doing. That's what framing is all about.

Well, I love that.... and then I also love finding some of the wonderful artists who have sent me their creative and wonderful wares to show off at LLB. 

This week in the C-Ville Weekly, look for my ad for WHITLEY Designs. They are an awesome duo from San Fran with ties to Charlottesville and everyone has been "oooh-ing" and "aaah-ing" over and snatching up their new pieces at LLB. 

LOVE the Skye earrings, the chalcedony is an amazing shade of ocean-blue!

Alrighty y'all, enjoy your first days of Fall, which are always so gorgeous. Think of Fall jewels....... Suzanne will be sending more soon and I am in love with some of our new photographs we just got in. Well, you'll just have to stop by and see for yourself.

Beate & Titus

PS: Here's a cute project from last week "for dessert":

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