Sunday, November 24, 2013

"Small" - it's such a BIG word!

A week from now is "Small Business Saturday".

We hope you will join us in celebrating this country's huge community of vibrant creative businesses that contribute and give back so much to places like Charlottesville.

"Small"... Of course, no one likes to think of him- or herself as being "small". No way!
After all, what your neighboring creative, passionate and dedicated small business owners with successful venues have accomplished over the years can hardly be categorized as being "small". Charlottesville has a huge number of those talented hard working folks who never seem to stop growing new ideas. They seem to pop out of the ground like chia seeds (or vineyards) around here! 
And all of those ideas, they are completely tailored to address what you need, love and are looking for.

I opened La Linea Bella ! almost three years ago on a teensy budget, but with a huge heart full of dreams, 20 years of knowledge, many visions, and a ginormous amount of passion for a craft that I absolutely love and surround myself with every day. And with an huge amount of love and support from my wonderful clients. (Thank you!) And we just seem to keep growing ... in fact, just today we came home with a huge truck load of new equipment that I am going to install tomorrow in the workshop -- all the better to frame with! We are always looking for new ways to improve our services and to make things faster, more efficient and just plain better!

On this coming Small Business Saturday and all throughout December, join us as we celebrate the shop, the gallery, our craft and our wonderful neighbors and friends who have contributed so much to the beauty that we enjoy in our lives.

Here are just a few of the businesses and individuals who have contributed to our inspiration on so many days and that we salute and give thanks to this week and on this day:

... and there are so-so many more!

Have a wonderful holiday and please join us next Saturday for 

-20% off throughout the store, including jewelry
-an open house in the gallery from 12 - 2
(meet our resident artist Kay Taylor who is taking over the gallery as her studio for a few months!)

 - and home made treats to recharge you for 
the rest of the shopping season...

... all as a way to tell you THANK YOU! for being so wonderful!

See you then!


 1718 Allied Street
Charlottesville, VA 22903

(434) 244-3050

Open Tues. - Sat.

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