Recently, our Chief Style Consultant Titus was part of a really lovely blog post by the The Scout Guide.
It was titled "In Praise of the Pampered Pet" and it featured some of The Scout Guide's own alongside other famous (pampered) shop dogs or favorite pets. We loved it and he was super flattered to be a part of it!!
Here's that shot of Titus again, pictured with his favorite ROMA Moulding basket weave LA TRECCHIA frames (reminds us of a little basket for him to sleep in), and this photo (well, the two photos actually) was taken by Kay Taylor of Sheridan Avenue Studios.
Bow tie courtesy ReThreads Charlottesville (that's where we find or special order the best ties for him!).
But our little man Titus wanted to set the record straight. About being "pampered", that is.
The truth is, when Titus is not modeling or guarding the shop, or helping you design that one super-fab piece you won't ever to be able to live without again, he is hard at work and helps us out in the workshop, diligently building frames and tending to other important parts of the process. See?
He is an awesome frame builder and thought it was important that you knew how irreplaceable he is at La Linea Bella ! and how much he loves being a part of it all.
So the next time you pop by LLB, give him a pat on the shoulder and go tour the workshop with him. He surely deserves the pat, and he'd love to show you around!
See you soon!
Beate & Titus
c/2014 La linea Bella ! Fantastic Framing & Art - Charlottesville, VA
Great job, Titus! There will be plenty of bow ties waiting for you at ReThreads anytime you need them!